We at Modern have the variety of Power Generating Equipment’s operating on diesel / Gas /FO to support your requirements. Depending upon the cos...
A well Planned & thoroughly investigated risks help in providing solution for trouble free shutdown/maintenance Every industrial Plant/ Refineries...
Load shedding or switching off the power is always painful & inconvenient for everybody whether it is industrial, commercial or even for people at...
During some of the month the production of some products goes to peak or lower power factor due to which your power consumption increases where in you...
Unplanned power outage is very painful activity for all the factories, plants, Mines or events wherever the human factor is involved & quick deliv...
Backup power/ Standby provide assurance that life safety systems and critical equipment can maintain their operation during a power outage. The use of...
Mostly natural resources based industries like Mining, Oil & Gas Exploration, Beneficiation Plants or Agriculture (Fishing) are located in dense f...
To Support & Enhance the existing Power supply during peak hours of production, Maintenance or during any emergencies. Modern with its Highl...